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博士 ,副研究员 ,德国洪堡学者



邮箱 :zhechen2019@biaoshipai.com.cn

地址 :云南省昆明市呈贡区优发国际(中国)与环境学院                 



植物-土壤-微生物互作 ,退化土壤的生态修复

·草地 、森林及农田生态系统碳汇能力提升技术研发;

·研发新型植物生长调节剂 ,利用蚯蚓堆肥 、丛枝菌根真菌等进行退化草地和农田的土壤修复 ,包括土壤有机质提升 、养分高效利用 、微生物种群多功能性提升等;

·利用野外和室内控制实验 ,数据整合分析等方法 ,研究气候变化因子对植物-土壤碳氮磷等循环过程的影响及微生物作用机制 。


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·2019/12- 云南大学 生态与环境学院 ,副研究员

·2011/10-2019/09, 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 气象与气候环境研究所(KIT/IMK-IFU) ,博士后/Senior Scientist

·2010/07 – 2011/10, 中国科学院大气物理研究所 大气边界层物理与大气化学国家重点实验室 ,助理研究员



·2007/09-2010/07 ,中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 ,生态学 ,博士

·2005/09-2007/07 ,北京理工大学 ,生物化学与分子生物学 ,硕士

·2001/09-2005/07 ,河南师范大学 ,生物技术 ,学士



·云南省科技厅重点基金 :丛枝菌根真菌对喀斯特断陷盆地草本植物养分吸收的作用机制(202401AS070134) ,2024-2027

·国家自然科学基金地区基金 :梯度增温背景下亚热带森林土壤N2O产生和消耗的微生物机制(32260323) ,2023-2026

·云南省“兴滇人才”项目 ,2023-2027

·云南省科技厅重点研发项目“云南林草生态系统碳汇现状 、潜力及增汇技术与碳交易示范”-专题(202303AC100009) ,2023-2025

·云南省科技厅面上基金 :蚯蚓堆肥在云南高山退化草地植被和土壤恢复中的效应及作用机制(202201AT070165) ,2022-2025

·横向课题“云南省咖啡生长气候 、土壤与管理数据采集与化验”(H20230344) ,2023-2024

·横向课题“云南植被志玉米农田植被调查”(H20220155) ,2022-2023

·横向课题“野生菌气象价格指数研究及应用”(H20220263) ,2022-2023

·云南大学高层次人才引进启动经费(C176220100160) ,2020-2025

·德国洪堡基金 :气候变化(增温降雨降雪减少)对高山草地氮素转化的影响机制(1148319) ,2013-2015

·国家自然科学基金青年项目 :氮沉降增加温带森林土壤N2O排放的微生物作用机制(21107109) ,2012-2014









一种RNA荧光探针及其制备方法和应用 ,专利号 :ZL 2021 1 1464008.X



本科生:土壤学 、分子生态学 、传统文化与生态文明建设

研究生:分子生态学 、污染土壤修复工程



《生态文明建设实践》 ,参编


【第一作者和通讯作者论文】(#同等贡献作者 ,*通讯作者)

[1]Jianping Shen, Changhui Zhang, Jing Li, Yue Zhang, Yu Hao, Ping Xie, Zhe Chen*, Yong Liu**. Analyzing sulfur cycle process in natural lakes based on the combination of sulfur-producing genes and fluorescence technology. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2024, 434, 140254. (IF 11.1)

[2]Syed Turab Raza, Adugna Feyissa, Rong Li, Eldon R. Rene, Zulfiqar Ali, Hassan Iqbal, Zulfiqar Ali Sahito, Zhe Chen*. Emerging technology effects on combined agricultural and eco-vermicompost. Journal of Environmental Management. 2024, 120056. (IF 8.7)

[3]Zhaomin Wang, Zhe Chen*, Hao Sun, Min Liu, Yong Liu*. A novel fluorescent probe for discriminating microbial DNAs in the ecosystems and model organisms. New Journal of Chemistry. 2024, http://doi.org/10.1039/D4NJ01173B (IF 3.3)

[4]Yingmo Zhu, Kangning Shu, Ke Yang*, Zhe Chen*. Purification efficiency of two ecotypes of wetland plants on subtropical eutrophic lakes in China. Wetlands. 2024, 44:29. (IF 2.2)

[5]Hao Sun, Fulan Zhang, Syed Turab Raza, Yingmo Zhu, Tao Ye, Li Rong, Zhe Chen*. Three decades of shade trees improve soil organic carbon pools but not methane uptake in coffee systems. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023, 119166. (IF 8.7)

[6]Yong Liu, Jianping Shen, Changhui Zhang, Zhe Chen*. Impact of rubber-based land use changes on soil properties and carbon pools: A meta-analysis. Catena. 2023, 227, 107121 (IF 6.4)

[7]Junhua Liu, Yunjian Xu, Yingmo Zhu, Wen Yin, Danhua Fan, Guangxuan Yan, Syed Turab Raza, Zhiyun Lu, Zhe Chen*. Enhanced soil methane oxidation in both organic layer and topsoil during the succession of subtropical forests. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2023, 170, 865-876 (IF 7.9)

[8]Changhui Zhang, Junhua Liu, Yingmo Zhu, Syed Turab Raza, Chunhong Zhang, Zhe Chen*. Nitrous oxide emissions from vermicompost preparation and application phases: emission factors based on a meta-analysis, Applied Soil Ecology. 2023, 183, 104769. (IF 5.5)

[9]Zeming Xu, Changhui Zhang, Chunhong Zhang*, Zhe Chen*. Quantitative evaluation on phosphate adsorption by modified biochar: A meta-analysis. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2023, 177, 42-51 (IF 7.9)

[10]Syed Turab Raza, Jianping Wu*, Eldon R. Rene, Zulfiqar Ali, Zhe Chen*. Reuse of agricultural wastes, manure, and biochar as an organic amendment: A review on its implications for vermicomposting technology. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 360 ,132200. (IF 11.1)

[11]Syed Turab Raza, Yingmo Zhu, Jianping Wu, Eldon R. Rene, Zulfiqar Ali, Adugna Feyissa, Nazir Ahmed Bazai, Zhe Chen*. Different ratios of Canna indica and maize–vermicompost as biofertilizers to improve soil fertility and plant growth: A case study from Southwest China. Environmental Research. 2022, 215, 114374. (IF 8.4)

[12]Syed Turab Raza, Jianping Wu*, Eldon R. Rene, Zulfiqar Ali, Zhe Chen*. Application of wetland plant-based vermicomposts as an organic amendment with high nutritious value. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2022, 165, 941-949. (IF 7.9)

[13]Xiong Yang#, Haijun Hou#, Yunjian Xu, Syed Turab Raza, Liming Wang, Wenxue Wei, Jianping Wu, Zhe Chen*. Divergent pattern of soil CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions in 18-year citrus orchard and Camellia oleifera plantations converted from natural shrub forests, Applied Soil Ecology. 2022, 175, 104447. (IF 5.5)

[14]Xiong Yang#, Yingmo Zhu#, Yunjian Xu, Shuting Zhang, Qindong Qian, Lingling Wang, Jianping Wu*, Zhe Chen*. Simulated warming and low O2 promote N2O and N2 emissions in subtropical montane forest soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2022, 22, 2706-2719. (IF 3.5)

[15]Raza ST, Wu JP, Ali Z, Anjum R, Bazai NA, Feyissa A, Chen Z*. Differential effects of organic amendments on maize biomass and nutrient availability in Upland Calcareous soil. Atmosphere. 2021, 12:1034.

[16]Xing Wu#, Zhe Chen#, Ralf Kiese, Jin Fu, Silvia Gschwendter, Michael Schloter, Chunyan Liu, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Benjamin Wolf, Michael Dannenmann*. Dinitrogen (N2) pulse emissions during freeze-thaw cycles from montane grassland soil, Biology and Fertility of soils, 2020, 56: 959-972. (IF 6.6)

[17]Bernard Fungo#, Zhe Chen#, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Johannes Lehmann, Gustavo Saiz, Víctor Braojos, Allison Kolar, Tatiana Rittl, Moses Tenywa, Karsten Kalbitz, Henry Neufeldt, Michael Dannenmann*. Nitrogen turnover and N2O/N2 ratio of three contrasting tropical soils amended with biochar. Geoderma, 2019, 348: 12-20. (IF 7.4)

[18]Zhe Chen, Shan Lin*, Zhisheng Yao, Xunhua Zheng, Silvia Gschwendtner, Michael Schloter, Meiju Liu, Yanan Zhang, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Michael Dannenmann. Enhanced nitrogen cycling and N2O loss in water-saving ground cover rice production systems (GCRPS), Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2018, 121: 77-86. (IF 8.5)

[19]Changhui Wang#, Zhe Chen#, Sebastian Unteregelsbacher, Haiyan Lu, Silvia Gschwendtner, Rainer Gasche, Allison Kolar, Michael Schloter, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Michael Dannenmann*. Climate change amplifies gross nitrogen turnover in montane grasslands of Central Europe in both summer and winter seasons. Global Change Biology, 2016, 22, 2963-2978. (IF 13.2)

[20]Yuan Wen#, Zhe Chen#, Michael Dannenmann, Andrea Carminati, Georg Willibald, Ralf Kiese, Benjamin Wolf, Edzo Veldkamp, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Marife D. Corre*. Disentangling gross N2O production and consumption in soil. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:36517.

[21]Zhe Chen, Changhui Wang, Silvia Gschwendtner, Georg Willibald, Sebastian Unteregelsbacher, Haiyan Lu, Allison Kolar, Michael Schloter, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Michael Dannenmann*. Relationships between denitrification gene expression, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium and nitrous oxide and dinitrogen production in motane grassland, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2015, 87: 67-77. (IF 8.5)

[22]Zhe Chen, Jinbo Liu, Mina Wu, Xiaoli Xie, Jinshui Wu, Wenxue Wei*. Differentiated Response of Denitrifying Communities to Fertilization Regime in Paddy Soil. Microbial Ecology, 2012, 63, 446-459. (IF 4.2)

[23]Zhe Chen, Xiqian Luo, Ronggui Hu, Minna Wu, Jinshui Wu, Wenxue Wei*. Impact of long-term fertilization on the composition of denitrifier communities based on nitrite reductase analyses in a paddy soil. Microbial Ecology, 2010, 60: 850-861. (IF 4.2)

[24]Zhe Chen, Haijun Hou, Yan Zheng, Hongling Qin, Yijun Zhu, Jinshui Wu, Wenxue Wei*. Influence of fertilisation regimes on a nosZ-containing denitrifying community in a rice paddy soil. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2012, 92, 1064-1072. (IF 4.1)

[25]陈哲 ,陈春兰 ,王霞 ,吴敏娜 ,魏文学. 化肥对稻田土壤细菌多样性及硝化 、反硝化功能菌组成的影响. 生态学报 ,2009, 29(11): 6142-6147

[26]陈哲 ,袁红朝 ,吴金水 ,魏文学. 长期施肥制度对稻田土壤反硝化细菌群落活性和结构的影响. 生态学报 ,2009, 29(11): 5923-5929

[27]陈哲 ,吴敏娜 ,秦红灵 ,魏文学. 土壤微生物溶磷分子机理研究进展. 土壤学报 ,2009, 46(5): 925-9315


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